Professional Background
Man’s connection to his work, group dynamics and change in organizations have always been my passions.
I have been working with corporations for over 18 years to coach individuals and teams in developing and implementing their projects.
These interventions have taken many forms:
- as an internal consultant in the industry to convert logistics systems for production or to reform organizations that develop new products
- as an external consultant and instructor to coach manufacturers or service companies to improve their competitiveness and/or their ability to innovate
- as a manager to coach teams successfully complete ambitious projects with a professional and autonomous approach
This varied experience and my education as a professional coach help me to adopt various approaches to propose the appropriate coaching for each situation.
Training sessions
2013: Communication Process: European PCM Coach Certification.
2012: International MOZAIK Paris: Master Business of Coaching.
2001: Université Paris Dauphine: responsible for organizational change projects (organizational sociology education, systemic and change conduct.
1993: Ecole Centrale de Lille: General engineering diploma, logistics option.