Having a VISION and knowing how to make it understood to share it with your team is certainly the most important thing for a manager. 

However, our experience as coaches has allowed us to observe that, because they must deal with daily issues, managers spend little or no time developing and sharing their VISION for their organization.


The objective of coaching is to facilitate and accelerate the shared development of the organization’s strategic projects and to convert them into concrete projects, over the short, medium and long term.

The coaching approach formalizes time spent working with the manager and his close associates:

  • it includes stakeholders in the reflection and sharing from the outset
  • it helps to identify strategic projects to be implemented to achieve the objectives
  • it is used to initialize a change dynamic while connecting the actions to the organization’s values


Preliminary work with the manager

One or more discussions between the manager and speaker to prepare the seminar.

Team Seminar

This one-day seminar, hosted by the speaker, allows key employees to work on developing and sharing the VISION.

The stakeholder provides a method that allows us to move quickly and synthetically to the point. He mobilizes all participants with his coaching skills and ensures that the method described below is respected.

Method for developing the VISION in 7 steps

  • Writing the VOCATION
  • Analysis of VALUES and BELIEFS
  • Writing the OBJECTIVE
  • Formalization of OBJECTIVES (short term, medium term and long term)
  • Determination of STRATEGIC PROJECTS
  • Determination of KEY SUCCESS FACTORS and formalization of MONITORING INDICATORS

Work after the seminar with the manager

A meeting between the manager and speaker to debrief the seminar.

Your contact

Laurent Becsei (click here to access his contact information).